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biodynamic craniosacral training eerste seminaar ADVANCED OVERVIEW OF CRANIOSACRAL BIODYNAMICS


8-11 nov 2010 At Il cielo  -

1st Seminar on
in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Roger Gilchrist, author of the book, Craniosacral Therapy and the Energetic Body.


The intention of this course is to provide a
comprehensive overview of Craniosacral Biodynamics to experienced professionals who are already practicing in the fields of craniosacral therapy and osteopathy, and
also for people that are new on Craniosacral Therapy. 

The Biodynamic approach in craniosacral therapy includes unique features in the work that often lead to greater clinical effectiveness.
Craniosacral Biodynamics emphasizes fluid dynamics and energetic principles in the living system. Topics of this seminar include the inherent motion of the cerebrospinal fluid and entire body, facilitating stillpoints, and point of
balanced tension skills for resolving inertial patterns that compromise health.

Taal  Engels            


De kosten voor  het cursus bedragen  €550,-. Deze betaling moet met credit card uitgevoerd worden (u bent over deze betaling geen BTW verschuldigd).
Bezoekt u hiervoor de webpagina van het Wellness Institute en volgt distance learning.

Als u geen credit card   heeft de betaling kan ook direct aan het begin van het seminaar in dit geval de kosten zijn € 600.


Tuition fee for the four day seminar is € 550 when paid with your credit card. (there is no BTW charged on this payment). When paid at the seminar in cash, tuition fee is € 600.

Visit for this thewebpagina of Wellness Institute and follow distance learning.


 Il cielo – 2de Hugo de Grootstr.7hs – 1052 LA

[email protected]  
tel. 0207737129 or 0630049738 (Unmani)

De individuele cursussen van Craniosacral Biodynamics zijn geacreditieerd bij de volgende verenigingen:



The professional training with Roger Gilchrist, Craniosacral Therapy and the Energetic Body places great emphasis on the energy dynamics of the living system and how to work with them therapeutically.

The interface with the core of the Human Energy System, the yogic chakra system, how potency and life energy is held within the cerebrospinal fluid and the ventricles of the brain, and how the potency of the Breath of Life is expressed to each cell of the living body is explored throughout the course.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is one of the most profound approaches to healing available.

Craniosacral Biodynamics goes beyond more mechanical approaches in craniosacral therapy by emphasizing the
dynamic processes at play in the therapeutic process. We provide the details of traditional skills drawn from osteopathic medicine along with modern insights, which increase your effectiveness. Craniosacral Therapy lets us work in direct
relationship to the physiology and structure of the body. Craniosacral Biodynamics emphasizes that health is inherent in the body and explores how health expresses itself in every living process. Challenges to health such as injury, illness, or trauma are held in the energy dynamics in the body along
with the physical structure. The beauty of the Biodynamic approach in craniosacral therapy is that it utilizes the client's inherent resources for change and healing.
We acknowledge the original principles of the cranial tradition, based in osteopathic medicine. Dr. William Garner Sutherland, the founder of cranial osteopathy, clearly described a primary energy impulse in the body that he called the Breath of Life. This primary energy expresses apotency and an inherent ordering principle into the cerebrospinal fluid and structure of the body. The training in Craniosacral Biodynamics details
ways to work with the living forces within the body to restore functioning and improve compromised states of health. Craniosacral Biodynamics works simultaneously with structure and function, bones and membranes, fluid dynamics, and
the ordering principle of the Breath of Life. Working with inherent life energy and its organizing capacity helps the conditions in the body reorganize into more open expressions of health and well-being.

 Wellness Institute is an international school for energy medicine.

Our goal is to offer you the most comprehensive study opportunities and detailed support materials to enhance your life, expand your practice, and improve your well-being. 

Founded in 1990, Wellness Institute first offered residential training programs in Taos, NM.  Programs are currently offered in Washington, DC, New York, Mexico,
Australia and Holland.  Wellness Institute is highly regarded for its quality trainings and expert leadership in the field.

ROGER GILCHRIST, MA, RPP, RCST® is known for his work integrating holistic approaches into mainstream health care.
Roger teaches energy medicine internationally, specializing in Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy.  His experience as a psychotherapist, a registered polarity practitioner, and a registered craniosacral therapist has kept him involved in many cross-disciplinary ventures. A past vice president of
the American Polarity Therapy Association, Roger has been teaching Polarity Therapy since 1982. Roger is an approved teacher with the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, having studied Craniosacral Biodynamics with its
founder, Franklyn Sills. Many students consider him a master teacher.

He is the author of the book Craniosacral Therapy and the Energetic Body and has published many articles on energy
Roger is frequently an invited presenter for many groups, including APTA, AMTA, the American Counseling Association, and the National Institutes of Health.

Seminar Series in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

De onderstaande tekst is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels omdat de voertaal van alle cursussen Engels is.

Kennis van de Engelse taal is dus wel een vereiste.

(1)Advanced Overview of Craniosacral Biodynamics

(2) Palpatory Differentiation of Bone, Membrane, and Fluid
Dynamics in CST

(3) Cranial Base Patterns and Whole Body Dynamics

(4) Central Nervous System Motility

(5) The Inherent Treatment Plan

(6) Birth Dynamics and Integration Seminar

(7) Visceral Dynamics and Embryological Development

(8) Facial Dynamics and TMJ Relationships

Certification Certification requires attendance of all the seminars plus some additional study projects
outside of class. Diplomas are awarded at graduation in final seminars.

Ervaringen Roger Gilchrist cursus Advanced Overview of
Craniosacral Biodynamics en Palpatory Differentiation of Bone, Membrane,and Fluid Dynamics in CST april en oktober 2007

Biodynamic Craniosacral is a golden door to God and existence, the oneness that all of us are part of,
and Roger can guide us with love and devotion into this journey.

Unmani M. Casalini Amsterdam

In één woord: Geboorte
Ervaringen: een laag dieper naar het geheim van het Leven: een verdieping en verbreding van mijn vak én van mijzelf. Dat maakt gelukkig om daar mee in contact te komen. Geven en ontvangen vloeien in elkaar over...

Tineke de Jonge, Zutphen

In één woord: amazing
Tevens heeft dit ertoe geleid dat ik weer weet wat ik met hart en ziel wil. Was de weg iet wat kwijt. Begin hem aardig terug te vinden.

Yvonne van Uden, Roermond


In één woord: Oneness
Contact met dat wat is en zijn met het lichaam, werkelijk een verlichte staat van zijn. Naast dat alles nog verrekte doeltreffend en goede resultaten ook. Wat wil je nog meer!!!

René van Santen, Volendam


wellness institute by il cielo  
Categorie: Massage cursus/workshops
Bedrijf: wellness institute by il cielo
E-mail: email: 932
Telefoon: 0630049738
Plaats: amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Geplaatst: 31 May 2010

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